Monday, 9 September 2013

Yukon (done very fast sorry)

Sad to leave Alaska we are only Chikaboos (stay for a short bit) not sourdoughs (stay for a year) but needed to get back to the rv in Destruction bay
we are going to barefoot it across this area (which means no plans stay were you like it).  

Plants are changing colours but the tree leaves have not changed at all, still lots of sun light.

Rv is fine decide to stay here and relax for a bit.

Moved campsites to have this view, there is often only us in the park.  In the evening a few more campers come in.  We kept an eye out for bears since we were told they were in the area and tenting was not allowed in this park due to the bears.

Had to take a polar dip.

Maybe two

from the rv love having my coffee while looking out

little fish jumping

got our fishing licence but didn't catch anything

We had to take a dip too

a little hike cold out

School time

I know too many pictures it is just so beautiful really loved this park

Well lets talk about outhouses, Yukon has the best!!!! No odors or spiders because the poop is FROZEN permafrost is three feet down!  
We filled up the water and it was so cold and good!

cool set up tent is on top of vehicle

Not so good had to try

lynx or bob cat 

Crazy road

Look out!!!! moose runs out in front of us

Bob is standing on the brakes everything is going forward in the rv but nothing is brocken

Colours beginning to change

They are not kidding

pictures from Sabrina boat cruise

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